Saturday, March 27, 2010

Xua is one of the most deeply committed people and actively listens to the problems at hand and musters his quiet intensity to action

I would like to voice my support for Xuan Kong for School Committee.

Xuan is best prepared to find ways to cut costs without diminishing our academic fortitude. With the looming threat of budget deficits in our school system we need Xuan’s ability to not only balance the books, but his ability to balance educational needs with competing municipal needs.

During his three years serving on the Acton School Committee, Xuan has listened to our concerns. He has worked to keep class sizes down, supported special education programs by finding ways to tap state funding, and advocated support for principals, teachers, and administrators.

Xuan is our representative. He knows how passionately we care about our children’s education. He initiated the School Committee liaison relationship with each elementary school PTO, and provided monthly updates to APS school newsletters so that we are informed citizens. He knows how hard we work for our money. He has promoted greater transparency of school financial reporting so that we know where and how our money is spent. He has used his management accounting skills to eliminate wasteful spending and maximize state reimbursements.

Xua is one of the most deeply committed people I have known. As a past PTO Chair, Scout leader and Friend of the West Acton Boardwalk committee member, I am very sensitive to the demands of our volunteer committees. Xuan actively listens to the problems at hand and musters his quiet intensity to action. He researches the issues. He presents the options and listens to feedback. He has our best interests at heart. He loves our town and schools.

Lastly, I would like to thank the Kong family for their generous gift: allowing Acton Schools to benefit from the talents of their husband/father.

Jeri Lee

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