Monday, March 22, 2010

Xuan has brought much needed international diversity to the Acton School Committee

To the editor:

Xuan Kong is running for a well-deserved second term on the Acton School Committee. Please join me in giving him your vote.

Three years ago I supported Xuan Kong in his first bid for the Acton School Committee because of his dedication to preparing students to become global citizens; his strong communication skills; his solid background in business, management, and education; and his thorough understanding of the important issues facing the Acton school system. I had very high expectations for him and he exceeded them all. I am thrilled that he has decided to run for another term.

This year I am supporting Xuan again because of the outstanding job he has done during his first term. The fact that he now serves as Chair of the Acton Public School Committee speaks for itself. We are all benefitting from his accomplishments of the past three years. Communications between the school committee and parents have improved, school lunch prices have remained low, a very effective set of budget planning tools has been created, and above all else the educational needs of our students remain the top priority. These are just a few examples of Xuan’s contributions to our school system.

I have had the opportunity to interact with Xuan on numerous occasions these past three years and to see him in action at School Committee meetings. I am continually impressed. He is passionate about the Acton school system, is committed to preserving school choice, and appreciates the uniqueness of every school in Acton. He takes the time to listen to and weigh all points of view on an issue – even if his own views may differ, he is a very effective speaker, and he is extremely approachable. He is an advocate for students, teachers, staff, administrators, and parents.

The mission statement of the Acton Public Schools is “Students and staff are a learning community participating in a global society.” Xuan has brought much needed international diversity to the Acton School Committee and is the one candidate most qualified to bring a global perspective to our school committee.

Acton would be most fortunate to have three more years of Xuan’s dedication, insight, experience, energy, intellect, and considerable talent. I can think of no person more deserving of a second term. Please give him your vote on March 30.

Beth Davis
Split Rock

(Letter to Beacon)

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